Dear Christian,
Are we in the "Latter Days?"

Find out the details in this important discussion...
Sharing Biblical Truth about The Current Times!
(Non-denominational, scripture-based, experienced &
trustworthy sharing that will strengthen your faith in God)

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From the desk of Mark Griesbach:

Hi, I'm Mark. I know we don't know each other yet, 
but I'd like to introduce myself. 
First off, I want you to be sure to tell you that I'm really no one special; 
I don't think I'm better than anyone else.
My wife and I are Christians and have been studying the Word of God for many years. I've been blessed with the gift of knowledge and teaching and have shared God's Word with thousands of students over the years through my outreach - my martial arts schools. 
Now, for the first time and with the help of my partner & student Mike, we're recording discussions about relevant topics and providing them for fellow Christian believers who want to dig deeper into God's Word. 
Yes, we do hit on all the controversial topics. So be open.
Note, I have a "tough-love" approach so it may not resonate with everyone, but maybe it will for you or for those with "ears to hear". 
We resonate best with Christian conservatives and so I invite you to check it out and see for yourself. If not, that's okay too.
I can't wait to hear how these messages have helped you live a deeper faith life for Jesus Christ. 
God Bless! 

Any questions: Contact Mike
Phone: 1-920-634-9047

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